Sunday 5 June 2011


Sometimes I question if students could be truly intelligent amount smaller 30 seconds within 24 hours. They have no answer to this question. They question you is what intelligence. In fact, students rarely come with any questions and we teach them they don't want. This is one reason why students don't listen to teachers, and why its decline. We are answered and so have no interest in what we say. We are talking to the walls, most of them.
In schools, and invite those smart students who obtained the highest scores in tests. This is very true intelligence measurement because we measure only a portion of intelligence. When students scores high marks in math, shall we say, smart and those others who don't do well in this subject known as stupid. This special student record high marks in math is just clever at mathematics, and therefore may not be intelligent in others. This is a partial intelligence. In the most enlightened only part of the brain left side or, most important part of the brain or in the dark. This gain, that less intelligent and more stupid.
Likewise acquire intelligence in other things such as music, dance and poetry etc are also not much smarter. Active only part of the brain where the brain almost 90 per cent were still sleeping. We live this way for most of our lives with no way to know what kind of life is causing. We have specialties in different things make us proud and vain, and we reckon we know and knows everything. This is an illusion that we live with. In no event shall we reckon we don't know. This is the main reason for the inability to learn. There is no learning without humility.
Who is responsible for this lack of intelligence in students? Often, blamed teachers being unable to reform the intelligence community in their students. The blame is not really incorrect and also not really true. We don't have any programs in curriculum to do so, even if interaction with students we reckon with no way for this problem. Are interested only in doing our courses, are satisfied. Does not help our lessons contained not only the entire intelligence reform, even undermining and trying to find ways to do this. How so? The subjects taught in schools and colleges placed on specialization and outcome that they only partially intelligence reform. This happens all the time, and deny the opportunity for the entire intelligence reform. Tagged all ready to intelligence reform will fail because he or she will be in two at a time. The dispute over the entire intelligence reform.
We know that we are promoting micro and those profits intelligence also encourage stupidity. Nature gave us a brain we use only a fraction. But nature does not produce anything of any use. Why men don't use all his brain? This is unusual, and this has happened because our unnatural. Our unnatural is again a result of our thoughts. Thinking focus. We should focus on a specific point. As long as we think we keep only part of the brain active and neglecting the rest of the brain. Go to sleep.
How whole brain activation? Possible mutation of all brain cells? This is possible only when we free our minds. When one becomes free of ideas one becomes able to see the truth. Once entering thought, truth disappears. Touch control even without ideas, and with full respect for the entire intelligence is key. Self-knowledge and intelligence go together. Either both or no.
Monotonous full intelligence and integrated because it's boring to avoid thinking. We know that when we try to. How are we going to avoid ideas? We invent cutting-edge artificial brains but becoming unknowingly harder now. The invention of computers require only part of your mind, but mind activating another reasonable thing really is, which would be more simple. And keep all active brain cells each time it seems really impossible. We all try to be unknowingly thereby but could be just so to small intervals. For most of the day, we will continue to be stupid. But if one is determined to keep one awake brain, could happen, would this person be truly converted person now. Or in any way will be the same person as we knew him or them to be. A few people in the history of humankind have accomplished this feat.
Have you tried to be unknowingly? Initially cannot stop ideas coming. Initially be done upholding one thought only for as long as you can. It is best practice before sleep as beats sleeping, you can go to sleep with only one thought. Then you can practice listening to all the votes coming in with all your senses and your thoughts will be dropped. You are now on your way to a full and integrated intelligence is the only thing worth having.

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